I think that I have good taste.
I like my taste in food, interior design and architecture and clothing. I should; after all, they are
my tastes.
I can't always afford to buy the best, but I feel happy at being able to recognize it when I see it (or eat it).
But lately, my passion for enjoying a simply delicious meal seems to be a bad thing.
I'm not one of those people who can walk into an Applebee's and declare that their food is wonderful. (Sorry, but I
was conscious when I ate there...and to be fair, it wasn't bad...it just wasn't that good.)
See, if I could
truly enjoy a meal from McDonald's, then I'd probably be as happy as a clam.
But as it is, I've tried two Mexican restaurants, multiple chain restaurants and a few fast food restaurants and find myself wondering:
where is all the good food in Louisville, CO?And to make matters worse, if you ask a few different people their opinion on a particular restaurant, you're likely to get responses that range from, so-so to great to absolutely hated it.
I'm looking for mostly affordable, but absolutely delicious, makes-you-wish-you-could-eat-more food.
Anybody have any recommendations?